Blog graphics from Because He First Loved Us kit by Misty Cato and Julie Billingsley

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Going Fishing

 We had a fantastic sermon this morning based on Luke 5--the calling of Peter. One verse in particular really spoke to me. After Jesus tells Peter to cast his net out again, (Luke 5:5) Simon answered, "Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets." I love the phrase "Yet if you say so...". I think one of the other translations is "Because you said so...".
 How many times do we completely doubt the ability of God simply because we have worked frantically in our own meager way and have not succeeded? Shouldn't we realize that the God who crafted the Universe has a few more capabilities than we can even imagine? Remember that we do NOT need to understand the plan in order to help it be fulfilled. We may NEVER realize the extent of the scheduling that God does so that certain events will take place. We simply need to be available, ready and waiting for God to tell us what to do, so that even if we are skeptical (which I admit to being sometimes) we will answer 'Okay. I'll do it because you say so".


Joy said...

I needed that today. Thanks for letting God use you to speak to me.

Lori said...


Thank you for sharing. I love both your blogs!